The sound aesthetic in experimental music practices: Riccardo Wanke in conversation with Michael Clarke and Makis Solomos

Thursday, June 9 2022, h. 3–4.30pm (Italy time)


Organised by RiSME digitali, research group on electroacoustic music of SIdM (Italian Musicological Society) and supported by AIMI (Italian Computer Music Association)

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The event is free and open to anyone. The discussion will be in English and it will flow informally around Riccardo Wanke's book "Sound in the Ecstatic-Materialist Perspective on Experimental Music" (Routledge, 2021), concerning listening experience and sound aesthetic in experimental music practices. Questions and comments from participants will be welcome.

The event is part of the series RiSME-Webinar, coordinated by Valentina Bertolani.



Riccardo Wanke (Centro de Estudos de Sonologia e Estética Musical/ Nova University Lisbon – PT)
Michael Clarke (Huddersfield University – UK)
Makis Solomos (Université Paris 8 – FR)

Riccardo D. Wanke is a musician and an academic. From 1995 active in music, his interest includes theory and analysis of 20th- and 21st-century music and psychoacoustics of music. He is author of the book Sound in The Ecstatic-Materialist Perspective on Experimental Music (Routledge, 2021) and other contributions in musicology and related topics such as theory, aesthetics, analysis, perception/cognition. He studied acoustics, chemistry, piano, sax, music harmony, improvisation and he is currently member of Centre for the Study of the Sociology and Aesthetics of Music at the NOVA University Lisbon (PT). He is contracted professor at graduate and master levels teaching the theory and analysis of 20th- and 21st-century music and the acoustics and psychoacoustics of music. As a composer and performer, he performs live worldwide and published music for international labels (USA, CH, IT, PT, MX). (



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The webinar Will be live streamed on Facebook – SIdM channel (