The "Gazzetta di Milano", a printed periodical of the Ancien régime. Part II: selection of news items concerning musical events for the years 1642-1680


  • Ausilia Magaudda
  • Danilo Costantini


The paper is based on a selection of information regarding musical events in the State of Milan, drawn from the «Gazzetta di Milano», for the years 1642-1680. The introductory essay evidences the more important, or unknown, news items, for instance among others: music theatre performances; masses, vespers, funeral offices; Te Deums of thanksgiving for the nomination of cardinals or for military victories; performances in honour of saints with "musica isquisita"; concerts in churches on the occasion of beatifications or canonizations; dances in aristocratic palaces; academies with "sinfonie di suoni e canti"; music performances in colleges and monasteries, etc. In addition, particular attention is given to the fundamental role played by the Spanish governors and the nobility.

Appendix A includes 559 items of musical information; Appendix B contains the chronology of theatrical performances with music in Milan (1649-1699) drawn from the "Gazzetta di Milano". There is also an analytical index.





