The publishing house of Carulli (Milan, 1822-32)


  • Patrizia Florio


In 1822 Giuseppe Antonio Carulli started a music publishing business within the precincts of the Milan Conservatoire which remained there until 1828, the date of his removal to 984 Contrada di Santa Radegonda. After Carulli's death in 1830, his son Benedetto (clarinettist and teacher at the Conservatoire) continued the business until 1832. In 1832-33 the firm was taken over by Ricordi. The Carulli publishing house printed mainly instrumental music by Milanese composers, the majority of whom were connected with the Conservatoire, with a repertoire which concentrated on fantasias and variations on operatic themes. The editions were frequently part of periodical series containing pieces for specific instrumentation.

The catalogue of the music publishing house includes approximately 300 plate numbers and has been reconstructed by means of examining the editions themselves, the lists of the Censor's office, the periodical press and the Ricordi catalogue. Arranged chronologically by plate number, the catalogue gives for each edition the date of publication, title, name of publisher, eventual inclusion in a periodical series, instrumentation and presentation, name of dedicatory (if any), edition number in the Ricordi catalogue. An index of names accompanies the catalogue.





