Scipione Cerreto e l’ordinamento gerarchico dei musicisti: il trattato Dell’arbore musicale (Napoli, 1608)


  • Carlos C. Iafelice


In his treatise Dell’arbore musicale (Naples, 1608), the theorist, composer and lutenist Scipione Cerreto offers a systematic stratification of Neapolitan musicians, according to a hierarchy based on the importance and prestige of their respective roles. To this end, Cerreto constructs a metaphorical ‘musical tree’ to organically express the complex of relationships that bind musicians together. Using traditional arguments derived from the cosmological and philosophical spheres, as well as from the theoretical-practical sphere proper to the art of music, the basis of his classification thus attempts to provide a secure and neutral judgement. This singular proposal, however, goes beyond the hierarchy itself, and looks at the details of musical practice and the environment related to it from a sociological perspective. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationships set out by Cerreto in his treatise, discussing their main elements and questioning the reasons that led him to establish this particular ordering.




