Val più la pratica della grammatica: l’approccio mensuralistico del Liber Musices di Florentius


  • Francesco Rocco Rossi


The Liber Musices (I-Mt 2146), written between 1484 and 1492 by a «Florentius musicus», was commissioned by Ascanio Maria Sforza. Although its three books aim to address all aspects of the ars musica (from the theorica to thepractica musices), its chartae show that the author feared that high theoretical speculation would be too difficult for Ascanio Sforza. This is confirmed, for example, by the simplifications of speculative arguments that could lead to a level of notrequired complexity. Of particular interest is the explanation of the late 15th century mensural system. First, because its pedagogical approach is purged of any theoretical subtleties; the subject is not treated in a mathematical perspective,but only as sensitive or performative phenomenon. This is why Florentius often intermixes and equates mensural levels that in a ‘theoretical’ perspective should be considered different and incomparable. Once we restore the correct analytical perspective, it becomes possible to rebuilt a coherent mensural view and, most importantly, that differs from the contemporary theories proposed by Tinctorisand Gaffurio.

Author Biography

Francesco Rocco Rossi

Addottorato in Musicologia all'Università di CremonaPavia, è autore di studi e monografie sulla musica rinascimentale. Critico musicale e divulgatore, ha insegnato Storia della Musica al Conservatorio di Vicenza e all'Istituto Musicale "Vittadini" di Pavia.




