I Concerti Mugellini e la vita musicale all’inizio del Novecento


  • Carlo Lo Presti


Bruno Mugellini (1871-1912), pianist and composer from the Marche region, organised two concert seasons in Bologna (where was teacher of piano in the Liceo Musicale), in 1904 and 1906. These were later named ‘Concerti Mugellini’. He also founded a concert society in collaboration with two other teachers from the Liceo Musicale, namely Guido Alberto Fano and Filippo Ivaldi. Mugellini trived to organize performances of Italian music, with many premières by young composers graduated from the Liceo Musicale (Respighi, Gandino, Ivaldi and himself), as an aside of the ‘Società del Quartetto’ concert season. The decisively inexpensive price and a 50% reduction for Quartetto’s members attracted numerous subscribers from the biggest concert society. He invited Ferruccio Busoni for the 1906 season to perform his Concerto op. 39 for piano, orchestra and male chorus, and to direct his Turandot Suite op. 41. The great success of the recital played a role in Busoni’s decision to accept the invitation to become the new director of the Liceo Musicale in 1913. Busoni’s expectations to renew the city’s musical life, however, were disappointed.

Author Biography

Carlo Lo Presti

Carlo lo Presti, formatosi all’Università di Torino, si è addottorato in Musicologia all’Università di Bologna; insegna Storia della Musica al Conservatorio di Parma. Autore di una monografia schubertiana (Il viandante e gli Inferi), ha dedicato le sue ultime ricerche soprattutto alla musica del Novecento italiano e francese. Chitarrista, affianca all’attività musicologica quella di concertista.




