Eventi musicali sacri e spirituali nella Roma di Innocenzo X Pamphilj (1650)


  • Giancarlo Rostirolla


Back in 16th-century Rome, a tradition of journals arose, reporting sacred and secular events—liturgies, rites, and festivals held in sacred places during the Holy Years—to glorify the Church, the Christian civilization, and the Pope's leadership. In the 17th century, in particular, day-by-day printed and manuscript record of major events, compiled by writers, academics, and the clergy often hosted relevant musical information—e.g. performances of oratorios and sacred cantatas, musical chapels of renown, brethrens and orders parading with singers and players. The emerging overall picture is interesting not only for the study of period musical life, but also for a history of Baroque festivals. Giovanni Simone Ruggieri's journal of the 1650 Jubilee is a case in point. It was not unknown to 17th-century Roman music and theatre historians, yet systematic research unearthed an unexpectedly large amount of significant musical/historical facts. After a general introduction, these are reproduced here in chronological format, as an aid to scholars, in three distinct appendices.





