«È giovane pieno d’intelligenza e di finezza». Luigi Nono e L’Allegria di Ungaretti


  • Paolo Dal Molin


The Cori di Didone, on texts drawn from La Terra Promessa, were premiered in 1958. At that time Luigi Nono had been knowing Giuseppe Ungaretti for at least ten years. This contribution is about their first meeting. The documents about the so-called [Liriche di Ungaretti], one Nono’s projects preceding his ‘opus 1’ are here reproduced, transcribed, and discussed. These documents show, on one hand, Nono’s compositional choices on a poetic text and, on the other, the debts as well as the original choices of his style, that would be further developed in his subsequent vocal works (the [Liriche greche] and Tarde, by the Epitaffio n. 1 to Federico García Lorca). Furthermore, new considerations emerge on the reception of twentieth-century Italian poetry in the works by the young Luigi Nono.

Biografia autore

Paolo Dal Molin

Paolo Dal Molin è ricercatore e docente presso l’Università di Cagliari. Maître de conférences, ha insegnato alle università di Nizza, Rouen e Metz. Dedica le sue ricerche alla genesi, l’analisi e la ricezione della musica del Novecento.




