Giulia Capecchi

Via Marco Aurelio, 42 – 00184 Roma
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Born in Rome, 1 March 1995. She graduated in modern violin at the Santa Cecilia Conservatory in Rome (July 2015), and obtained a bachelor's degree in baroque violin at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague (June 2020) under the guidance of Enrico Gatti and Ryo Terakado and the Master in Early  Music Theory (May 2022) at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis under the guidance of Florian Vogt and Johannes Menke. She studied Baroque singing in Rome for two years under the guidance of Nora Tabbush and obtained the Minor in harpsichord at the Royal Conservatory of The Hague under the guidance of Fabio Bonizzoni.

She has regular concert activity as a violinist and baroque violist. He joined the Side by Side the Orchestra of the Eighteenth century project (2017-2018-2019) for three years playing Mendelssohn, Beethoven and Schubert under the guidance of Philippe Herreweghe, Roger Norrington and Michael Chance in the Fairy Queen project leading the second violins (2019), she played the concerts of Vivaldi's Estro armonico (2019) as first viola in the Risonanza youth project under the guidance of John Holloway and Fabio Bonizzoni. She founded Lux musicae ensemble in 2022 together with Irene Callieri and Leonardo Monopoli, a group that aims to investigate the repertoire of the Italian sonata trio.

Recently she edited Pergolesi's Violin Concerto for the research catalog of the Royal Hague Conservatory (2020).

She joined the congress  of the German Theory and Analysis Society (GMTH, Basel 2021) with a speech on Rameau and Tartini and, in 2022 the congress of the Italian Society of Historian of Physics and Astronomy (SISFA, Perugia, 2022)  with a speech on Giambattista Benedetti and the two letters he wrote to Cipriano de Rore, and the congress of  Italian Theory and Analysis Society (GATM, Salerno 202) with a speech on Arpeggio’s realization in Corelli’s fugues Op.5. She won the special prize of the jury in the Bonporti prize 2022 for historical composition.





  • Masterarbeit: Le fughe dell’Op.5 di Arcangelo Corelli (tesi più appendice, Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, 2022).



  • Pergolesi violin concerto edition, first two movements (research catalogue of the Royal Conservatory of The Hague, 2020).



  • Echos, il notiziario della Sisfa n.8; Scienz’Arte, il tempo e la musica pg.2-3 (2022)
  • Claudio Bini, Danilo Capecchi, Giulia Capecchi, Guglielmo Lami. The Musical Systems by Rameau and Tartini. Creativity and Inconsistency. XLI Congresso Naz. di Storia della Fisica e dell’Astronomia, Arezzo, 62-67. (2022)
  • Claudio Bini, Danilo Capecchi, Giulia Capecchi, Guglielmo Lami. The Combination Tones: from Tartini to Helmholtz. XLI Congresso Naz. di Storia della Fisica e dell’Astronomia, Arezzo,.68 -73 (2022)
  • Danilo Capecchi, Giulia Capecchi. Between acoustics and music. Two letters of Giovanni Battista Benedetti to Cipriano de Rore. XLII Congresso Naz. di Storia della Fisica e dell’Astronomia, Perugia, to appear. (2023).