SIdM organizes its own annual meeting, where the state of the art in musicology, in Italy and abroad, is taken stock of, and highly qualified scholars introduce the results of their work. To this end, SIdM announces a public call for papers every year. It also aims to encourage research by brilliant young scholars.
SIdM, when asked for, sponsors musicology meetings of verified interest and scholarly rigor.

Since 2014, SIdM has been organizing its SIdM Seminars in the prestigious setting of MUSA (Museum of Musical Instruments, Auditorium Parco della Musica, Rome), in collaboration with the Department of Historical, Philosophical, and Social Sciences, Cultural Heritage, and Territory, Tor Vergata University, Rome, and with the National Academy of St. Cecilia.

Meetings Manager: 
Teresa M. Gialdroni 
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Advisory Commitee: 
Bianca Maria Antolini, Paola Besutti, Candida Felici, Giulia Giovani, Susanna Pasticci, Lucio Tufano