Webinar SIdM
WEBINAR - The sound aesthetic in experimental music practices: Riccardo Wanke, Michael Clarke and Makis Solomos
Thursday, June 9 2022, h. 3–4.30pm
Organised by RiSME digitali, research group on electroacoustic music of SIdM (Italian Musicological Society) and supported by AIMI (Italian Computer Music Association)
Please, register at: https://forms.gle/vYDbenQTAKtqkKHh8
Webinar - Reminded by "Reminded by the Instruments": You Nakai in conversation with Valentina Bertolani and Laura Zattra
Thursday, March 24, h.2–3.30 (Italy)
Organised by RiSME digitali (SIdM), and supported by AIMI.
Register at: https://bit.ly/3HUArcv
WEBINAR - Le buone pratiche e le metodologie della didattica a distanza per gli insegnamenti musicologici [IT]
May 16, 2020, h. 17:00-19:00
WEBINAR - I beni musicali durante l’isolamento sociale: prospettive tecnologiche ed educative [IT]
May 8, 2020, h. 17:00-19:00
WEBINAR - Gli insegnamenti musicologici al tempo del Covid-19: strumenti, strategie, opportunità [IT]
April 30, 2020, h. 17:00-19:00