Catania, 27-29 October 2023
Download the call for papers
Download the call for papers (Italian)
The 30th Annual Conference of the Società Italiana di Musicologia (SIdM) will be held in Catania, in collaboration with the Conservatorio “Vincenzo Bellini”.
The annual meeting of the members will take place during the conference.
The SIdM Conference is an important occasion for scholars to discuss and share their researches. For this year too we are gladto offer other opportunities for discussion adding a poster session for ongoing projects beside the standard papers.
Scholars from all over the world are invited to submit their paper proposals. Every topic in the field of musicological studies is welcome.
The proposal should contain:
- the title of the paper;
- an abstract (no more than 30 lines) including, an outline of the project and its contribution to the advancement of theknowledge in that field
Along with the text please enclose:
- a short CV (max 15 lines)
- the A/V equipment required
- your full name, address, phone number, and e-mail address
The paper should not exceed 20 minutes in duration (corresponding to 14000 characters).
Preference will be given to the proposals of scholars who did not take part in the previous year's SIdM conference.
Scholarly posters are useful for sharing information in a concise and attractive way; they can be a great option for presenterswho are interested in less structured informal discussions about their research.
As for paper proposals, for posters too it will be necessary to submit a plan including the title of the poster, its main contentsand objectives, a short bibliography, the status of the ongoing project.
Along with the text please send also a short CV (max 15 lines) and provide your full name, address, phone number, and e-mail address.
Following the approval, scholars should print the posters by themselves (each poster must have a maximum size of 70x100cm.) and bring them to the conference venue where they will remain on display in a common area.
Please send the proposals to the e-mail address All proposal must be received no later than the June 18th,2023. Presenters are not allowed to send more than one abstract. Acceptance of papers will be notified by July 15th, 2023.
For further information about the conference please visit the web site or send an e-mail to the address