Rivista Italiana di Musicologia (RIdM)

ISSN 0035-6867

RIdM, founded in 1966 as a SIdM organ, is a peer-reviewed journal hosting essays, contributions, reviews and bibliographic info on the main periods, topics, methods and trends of contemporary musicology. It is led by a committee and an international network of consultants, and accepts writings in Italian and in English.
In sync with the release of volume 50/2015, we are pleased to announce that ANVUR (National Agency for the Evaluation of University and Research Systems) has raised RIdM to class A of scholarly journals.

RIdM is issued both on paper and online.


Editorial Director: Marco Mangani (Università degli Studi di Firenze)

Scientific Committee: Livio Aragona (Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali di Bergamo), segretario coordinatore; Alessandro Bratus (Università degli Studi di Pavia - Cremona); Enrico Careri (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II); Paolo Dal Molin (Università degli Studi di Cagliari); Renato Meucci (Conservatorio di Musica di Novara); Luisa Nardini (University of Texas, Austin)

Consultant/Advisors: Virgilio Bernardoni (Università degli Studi di Bergamo); Daniel Brandenburg (Universität Bayreuth); Thomas D. Brothers (Duke University, Durham); Mauro Calcagno (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia); Michele Calella (Universität Wien); Stefano Castelvecchi (University of Cambridge); Damien Colas (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris); Pascal Decroupet (Université Nice Sophia Antipolis); Norbert Dubowy (Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main); Anselm Gerhard (Universität Bern); Arnold Jacobshagen (Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln); Germán Labrador (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid); Ulrich Mosch (Université de Genève); Fiamma Nicolodi (Università degli Studi di Firenze); Friedemann Sallis (University of Calgary); Herbert Seifert (Universität Wien); Neal Zaslaw (Cornell University, Ithaca); Luca Zoppelli (Université de Fribourg)


Proposals must follow RIdM editorial standards, include a double abstract (Italian/English, ca. 1500-2000 characters each, including spaces), and e-mailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Each essay is given to at least two anonymous referees; their evaluations are reported in written form to the author(s). For editorial guidelines and other details on evaluation, see Guidelines for Authors.


RIdM has been online since 2012 (only for members keeping up with fees), which allows, among other things, to read, download, and search essays, interventions, and other material, including English abstracts.
For its fiftieth anniversary, the SIdM Board deliberated to make all RIdM issues available online to members. It is now pleased to announce that Nos. 1 to 46 (1966-2011) are on the website in .pdf format at http://www.sidm.it/ojs/index.php/ridm/issue/archive, alongside the already available Nos. 47 to 51. The Board warmly thanks Franco Rossi, who scanned all files, as well as Daniele Filograna and Angelo Guido, who uploaded them under Valentina Marangi’s guidance. Please notice that the first year of RIdM (1966, Volumes 1 and 2) is open to free consultation by non-members as well. Other issues are restricted to members keeping up with fees.


  ONLINE ACCESS (with Summaries and Abstracts)