Music and Space: Past Experiences, Future Perspectives

Parma, Conservatorio di Musica, Casa della Musica
2-3 dicembre 2021

International Conference sponsored by Società Italiana di Musicologia

The Conservatory of Parma, together with the University of Parma, Parma Municipality - Casa della Musica and the Italian Musicological Society, organizes the international Conference "Musica e spazio: esperienze passate, prospettive future" (Music and Space: Past Experiences, Future Perspectives) as part of the research project "Labirinti Sonori".

The conference aims to explore the relation between music and space in its aesthetic, historical, technical and technological dimensions, according to the following lines of research: space as an essential element of musical creation; the relation between music and architecture; the creation of virtual reality and the simulation of space through sound; the spatial dimension in performance practice; the use of technology in order to build sound space.


Conference Program

Book of abstracts