(Le fonti musicali in Italia. Studi e ricerche, 4)


Saggi e ricerche

  • Vjera Katalinic - Stanislav Tuksar, Presenza italiana negli archivi e nelle raccolte musicali a Dubrovnik: un panorama generale (manoscritti e stampe, 1600-1900). Abstract
  • Teresa M. Gialdroni, Bibliografia della cantata da camera italiana (1620-1740 ca.). Abstract
  • Rosa Cafiero - Francesca Seller, Editoria musicale a Napoli attraverso la stampa periodica: il «Giornale del Regno delle Due Sicilie» (1817-1860). II. Abstract


  • Marcoemilio Camera, Il catalogo delle cantate italiane. Abstract
  • Francesco Passadore - Elvio Pozzana - Franco Rossi, ISIS / MUSICA. Un programma per l'elaborazione di cataloghi di fondi musicali. Abstract


  • La ricerca nelle regioni: 1990 (a cura della redazione). Abstract

Laura Ciancio, Rassegna bibliografica 1990

Abstracts a cura di David Bryant

Gli indirizzi della ricerca

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Vjera Katalinic - Stanislav Tuksar, Italian Music in Dubrovnik: Manuscript and Printed Sources, 1600-1900

As a part of an articulated programme of research on musical sources and related archival materials in the Republic of Croatia, the Institute for Musicological Research of the Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb, has assembled a not inconsiderable body of information on the following collections in Dubrovnik: the Historical Archive, Dubrovnik Museum, Scientific Library, Bishopric Seminary, Jesuit College, Cathedral library and Franciscan and Dominican monasteries. The present study describes the different provenances and typologies of these collections and provides information on the state of advancement of current cataloguing projects. On the basis of present knowledge, the overall total of musical sources in the Dubrovnik archives may be estimated as some 13,000 items, spanning a period from the eleventh to twentieth centuries. A not inconsiderable number of earlier sources were lost in the great earthquake which devastated the city in 1667. The liveliness of musical activity in the churches, monasteries, lay institutions and private houses in Dubrovnik is, however, well documented by surviving materials: liturgical books, text books, manuals, opera librettos, compositions for voices and/or instruments (symphonies, ouvertures, arias, chamber music, arrangements). Appendices I-IV contain information on various aspects of the musical archive of the Franciscan monastery: I) a list of musical prints (pre-1820) as registered in RISM A/I; II) a list of musical prints (pre-1820) as communicated to RISM for inclusion in the A/I supplement; III) a list of individual publishers represented in the archive; IV) a list of operas containing individual numbers represented in the archive; V) a list of places of performance of the operas as identified in the sources. VI) a list of interpreters as identified in the sources. Appendix VII is an index of the authors of compositions conserved in the Historical Archive (with references to the published catalogue). There is also a short Bibliography of studies and catalogues of source materials on the history of music in Croatia.

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Teresa M. Gialdroni, The Italian Chamber Cantata, 1620-1740 ca.: a Bibliography of Modern Editions and Studies

Until recent years, research on the seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Italian chamber cantata has been characterized by an essential fragmentary, incoherent and often frankly haphazard approach. Recent, indeed, is the first systematic attempt to bring together and catalogue the various sources - itself a necessary prelude to any thoroughgoing analysis of the repertory. The very definition of the term «cantata» poses not inconsiderable difficulties, both in terms of the specific characteristics of the genre (form, structure, performing forces, destination, etc.) and its chronological limits. Even more problematic is any attempt to gain and overall picture of publishers'activities; particular obstacles are represented by the sheer quantity of cantata publications (above all, of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries) and the heterogeneous nature of the genre. For the purposes of the present bibliography, it has thus been decided to reserve systematic treatment for publication history from the 1950s to the present day. Also included, however, are references to a number of large-scale publishing projects which bear witness to the considerable interest in the genre during the years around 1900. The Bibliography is articulated in four sections. The first (A) is a listing of modern studies on the cantata for one or more voices with basso continuo, chamber duets and, in part, the serenata; it includes material from the early years of the twentieth century to the present day. Brief summaries of contents are provided, above all when not immediately apparent from the titles. Information is also provided on the cantatas and their sources as cited in the volume or article in question. Section B contains a listing of single author collections and anthologies in modern edition and facsimile. The anthologies are listed alphabetically by editor, publisher or, in default, by title. Single-author editions are listed alphabetically by composer in the following sequencce; 1) facsimile reproductions in chronological order; 2) critical and performing editions. These are followed by the incipits of the cantatas and separate arias, as also by the titles sometimes given in the original collections. Section C contains an overview of the various series of cantata publications (wich themselves account for the majority of the individual volumes listed in sections A and B). This section, too, is sub-divided between fac-simile reproductions and critical anc performind editions. Section D contains a general, alphabetical index of all the cantatas, individual arias and titles listed in section B. Section E is a subject index for the alphabetical bibliographies contained in sections A and B.

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Rosa Cafiero - Francesca Seller, The «Giornale del Regno delle Due Sicilie» (1817-1860) as a Source for the History of Music Printing in Naples. II

This study is a continuation of the article published in vol. 3 of Le fonti musicali in Italia on musical life in Naples as seen through publishers' advertisements in the «Giornale del Regno delle Due Sicilie». It contains a catalogue of the advertisements from 1841 to 1860 and a general index of names.

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Marcoemilio Camera, A Catalogue of Italian Cantatas

The very nature of the cantata as a cultivated and refined musical genre, characterized by an almost exclusively manuscript form of transmission, gives rise to a number of thorny problems, above all as regards questions of attribution. The various tolls of research hitherto available, while undoubtedly useful, are nevertheless incomplete and sometimes inaccurate. In 1983, Claudio Sartori set out the basic co-ordinates for a world-wide Catalogue of Prints and Manuscripts of Italian Cantatas. The project, financed by the National Research Council, has its headquarters in the library of Milan Conservatory. Main objective of the project is that of «constructing a unified catalogue of cantatas to Italian texts, organized alphabetically by text incipit and without regard to hypothetical attributions». Each entry in the catalogue contains the following elements: text incipit of cantata, title, performing forces, tonality, text incipits of individual sections (recitatives, arias, ritornellos, etc.), sources (library RISM sigla, call-mark, date, physical description, folios, attributions of music and text), modern editions, bibliography. There are also cross-references to the text incipits of the individual arias and recitatives, as also to the titles under which the cantatas as such may be known. At the time of writing, the catalogue contains some 11,000 entries for pre-1800 cantatas. After an initial phase in which information was collected from published catalogues and indices, work was continued on the basis of microfilm and hard copy. Libraries presently under examination are as follows: Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Bologna; Biblioteca del Conservatorio, Florence; Biblioteca del Conservatorio, Milan; Biblioteca Estense, Modena; Biblioteca del Conservatorio, Naples; Biblioteca Nazionale, Biblioteca Casanatense, and Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (fondo Chigi), Rome; Biblioteca Querini-Stampalia, Venice. The creation, in 1990, of an electronic data-base has permitted swifter consultation of the catalogue and the compilation of indices by author, composer and performing forces (vocal and instrumental).

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Francesco Passadore - Elvio Pozzana - Franco Rossi, ISIS\Music as a Tool for the Preparation of Music Catalogues

The authors describe the application of the CDS/ISIS software to the development of small data-bases for musicological research and the publication of music catalogues in accordance with the guidelines of the Italian Musicological Society. The program, wich is distributed free of charge by UNESCO, comprises input, editing, serch and publishing functions. Particularly intersting is the possibility of searching by Precise Access Point, partial terms or Any Terms. In general, searching can be carried out with the assistance of Boole logical operators, which permit a swifter and more precise extraction of data. Tha musical incipits are encoded in DARMS; this system differs from the Plaine and Easy Code as used by RISM, but it is widely noted for its versatility and capacity for development. ISIS\Music is distributed free of charge on written application to the authors.

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Bibliographical Research in the Regions, 1990

As in vol. 3 (1989) of Le fonti musicali in Italia, this regional survey includes a miscellany of information on reserch, cataloguing projects, conferences, seminars and the activities of local organizations during 1990. Publications regardind sources are listed in the Bibliographical Review. Of particular importance is the formation of the Associazione per la ricerca delle fonti musicali nel Friuli Venezia-Giulia and the Associazione ligure per la ricerca delle fonti musicali. The survey contains information on the following cataloguing projects: Museo capitolare, Atri; Biblioteca provinciale «Delfico», Teramo; Archivio storico comunale, Reggio Calabria; Archivio della Cattedrale, Tropea; Convento di S. Domenico, Soriano Calabro; Biblioteca civica, Cosenza; Museo diocesano, Rossano Calabro; Istituto di Musica, Archivio storico provinciale, Biblioteca del seminario teologico, Biblioteca dell'Associazione «Seghizzi», Fondo Coronini, Gorizia; Archivio di S. Giovanni in Laterano, Archivio dell'Accademia filarmonica romana, Archivio Doria-Pamphili, Basilica di S. Maria Maggiore, Archivio del Gesù, Biblioteca casanatense, Biblioteca del Conservatorio di S. Cecilia, Rome; Cattedrale, Frascati; Cattedrale, Rieti; Duomo, Campagnano; Archivio di Stato, Genoa; Archivio di Stato, Pavia; Fondo Bonandrini, Bergamo; Fondo Franchi, Brescia; Biblioteca «Albino», Biblioteca del Conservatorio, Campobasso; Curia vescovile, Trivento (near Campobasso); Biblioteca comunale, Gambatesa (near Campobasso); Biblioteca reale, Turin; Biblioteca dell'istituto musicale «L. Boccherini», Lucca; Biblioteca universitaria, Pisa; Fonoteca «O. Trotta», Perugia; Fondazione Giorgio Cini (Fondo Rolandi, Fondo A. Casella, Fondo G. Malipiero), Archivio della Cappella ducale di S. Marco, Archivio del Teatro «La Fenice», Venice; Archivio del Duomo, Castelfranco Veneto. The survey also includes other information on local bibliographical and publishing initiatives.